Benedict Guttman-Kenney

Assistant Professor of Finance at Rice University, Jones Graduate School of Business (announcement tweet, faculty webpage)

NBER Consumer Finance Dissertation Fellowship (2023 - 2024).

Economics Ph.D. & M.B.A., University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

CV. My papers are also on my academic research page and Google Scholar.


My research focuses on household finance topics that are both academically interesting and relevant to inform public policymaking on the topic of consumer financial protection regulation. I group my research into two broad topics: (1) the economics of credit information, and (2) behavioral household finance. Please see my Research Statement for a two page summary of my research and my Teaching Statement for a one page summary of my teaching experiences.

Academic Research Page, Policy Research Page, Presentations Page


In July, I released a new working paper that studies the effects of a Quebec government policy that restricts credit card repayment choices.

In June, the Chicago Booth Review summarizes my Job Market Paper.

In May, I gave a guest lecture on buy now, pay later (BNPL) for the Harris School of Public Policy Lecture Series for masters students at the Indian School of Public Policy.

The New York Times covers my credit card research: The Semblance of Success in Nudging Consumers to Pay Down Credit Card Debt. This NBER working paper has been Revised & Resubmitted to the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Summarized in Chicago Booth Review Article and covered in blogs: (1), (2), (3), (4).


Before moving to Chicago, I spent six years conducting economic research informing financial regulation at the UK Financial Conduct Authority, Bank of England, and Federal Reserve Bank of New York. I am a graduate of the University of Warwick and University College London. While studying for my Ph.D., I also completed the MBA at Chicago Booth. At Chicago Booth, I received the NBER Consumer Finance Dissertation Fellowship, Stigler Center Ph.D. Dissertation Award, Bradley Fellowship, Katherine Dusak Miller Ph.D. Fellowship, Sanford J. Grossman Fellowship in Honor of Arnold Zellner, and Fama-Miller Center for Research in Finance’s John and Serena Liew Fellowship.

Media coverage includes The New York Times, The Financial Times (1 - weekend lead `big read'), (2 - FT Tech video), (3 - front page), Wall Street Journal, Barron's, BBC, MarketWatch, Mashable, Fast Company, Raconteur, The Telegraph (1) (2), The FinTech Times, VoxEU/CEPR interview

My academic research has been published in leading finance, marketing, and economics journals with summaries in the Chicago Booth Review. For more information see my academic research page, CV, or Google Scholar.