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Working Papers

- With Jason Allen & Michael Boutros.

- My 2023-24 Job Market Paper. With Andrés Shahidinejad.

- Chicago Booth Review Article.

- This research is supported by the NBER Consumer Finance Dissertation Fellowship, Stigler Center PhD Dissertation Award, Bradley Fellowship, and Fama-Miller Center for Research in Finance's John and Serena Liew Fellowship.

- Chicago Booth Review Article.

- With Paul Adams, Stefan Hunt, David Laibson, Neil Stewart, & Jesse Leary.

- Chicago Booth Review Article.


- With Christa Gibbs, Donghoon Lee, Scott Nelson, Wilbert van der Klaauw, & Jialan Wang.

- Journal link. Previously circulated as NBER Working Paper No. 32791, CFPB Office of Research Working Paper No. 2024-07, and Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report No. 1114.

- With John Gathergood & Stefan Hunt.

- Reprinted in Society for Financial Studies Virtual Issue on Debt.

- With Hiroaki Sakaguchi, Neil Stewart, John Gathergood, Paul Adams, Lucy Hayes, & Stefan Hunt.

- American Marketing Association Blog.

- With Paul Adams, Lucy Hayes, Stefan Hunt, David Laibson, & Neil Stewart.

- Chicago Booth Review Video & Article (covering Economica & Journal of Marketing Research papers).

- With Chris Firth & John Gathergood.

- Op-Ed on BNPL, Chicago Booth Review Article.

- With Ray Kluender, Neale Mahoney, Francis Wong, Xuyang Xia, & Wes Yin.

- Chicago Booth Review Article.

- With John Gathergood, Fabian Gunzinger, Edika Quispe-Torreblanca, & Neil Stewart.

- Chicago Booth Review Article.

- With John Gathergood.

- Chicago Booth Review Article & VoxEU/CEPR interview covering this and the paper below.

- With Andreas Fuster & Andrew Haughwout.

- Liberty Street Economics Blog, Updated Data.

Selected Works-in-Progress

- With Tony Cookson & Will Mullins.

Homepage, Policy Research Page, Presentations Page